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Boring Stuff
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Thursday, 15 September 2005
It's been Awhile
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Buddy Holly "Greatest Hits"
It's been a few weeks. Life is busy and I'm feeling better. Not much on the "Bear" topic lately as I have been too busy spending time with my partner and rebuilding my computer. I did find out about and it's news of Gay men in the media. Most of them are still smooth shaven pretty boys who look too Urban. Maybe that is what most Gay men look like? Maybe in the city but not in the country. I'm getting ready to finalize my design for the Charlie Howard Memorial this weekend. I'm taking a course on Multicultural Development from the University of Southern Maine and reading about Identity. I have to write a capstone paper for my Masters degree in Adult Education and for that I will be writing about "Bears, Gay men, Meaning and our search for Identity". Sounds like a thesis, which it sort of represents but I'm also working on a directed study to design an art class for Bangor Adult Education. Those two combine make up the equivalent of a Thesis. If you live in Maine, remember to vote "No" on 1 and keep protections for all people of sexual orientation, even for those rapidly reproducing hypocritical fundamentalist Christians. More later and more often. Tom

Posted by newagetom at 3:40 PM EDT
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